I just needed this once and try to overcome the obstacle by using R for
importing and exporting.
Thank you,

On 22/06/2015 12:18, John Darrington wrote:
> Stata have changed the format of their ".dta" files several times
> over the years, often in incompatible ways.
> Fortunately however, they do seem to have documented the the format.
> So if you can say which version of .dta you are interested in, then
> is is possible that PSPP could be made to open them at some stage
> in the future.
> J'
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 05:36:50PM +0200, ftr wrote:
>      Hi,
>      PSPP can it open a dta data fiel ?
>      I have nothing found, but maybe I did not look at the right place.
>      Regards,
>      ftr
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