Hi Harry,

do you think we should close this bug


because it can not be reproduced? 


Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

> Von: "Bob Gross - RFG Marketing" <rob...@rfgmkt.com>
> Betreff: RE: Crash during save
> Datum: 8. Juni 2015 16:50:29 MESZ
> An: "'Friedrich Beckmann'" <friedrich.beckm...@gmx.de>
> Antwort an: <rob...@rfgmkt.com>
> Hello Friedrich,
> Interestingly, it I only type in no more than three cells at a time, PSPP 
> does not crash. As mentioned earlier, there is no particular error message, 
> Windows simply says the program is not responding.
> I also checked to make sure my version of Windows 7, service pack 1 is 
> completely up-to-date. As near as I can tell, it is.
> Thanks for your help,
> Robert Gross

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