On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 01:40:45PM +0000, Beat wrote:
     Maybe not the right place here but anyway: 
     1. I like the barchart option in frequencies! Thanks a lot!

I'm glad you like it.

     2. I think the axis in scatterplot are reversed: it says scatterplot y vs. 
     but plots x vs. y. 

I don't see that.  Try this code, which producdes a graphic with the title 
'Scatterplot x vs. y' with x on the abscissa and y on the ordinate.

input program.
loop #i = -100 to 100.
compute x = #i.
end case.
end loop.
end file.
end input program.

compute y = x * x.

graph scatterplot (bivariate) = x with y.

     3. Still the colour in the scatterplot is a bad choice for my screen: I can
     barely see the bright yellow circles that mark the points. 
I agree.  The default tango palette is great for histograms, barcharts and 
where there is a lot of solid fill.  But, as you say, not so good for 
indicating point


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