On 27/01/2015 17:27, Ben Pfaff wrote:
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 01:01:13PM +0100, ftr wrote:
I filtered the working file through a filter variable k with the two values
of 0 and 1:
FILTER by k.
A control of the frequencies proves that only cases for k=1 are left.

I then output the filtered file with save translate:

only want to output the party of the file
save translate
/type = csv
/keep  intrust3 outtrust3 soctrust k.

And the dat file gets all data, filtered and unfiltered.

Is this intended behaviour : a FILTER command does not control a SAVE
TRANSLATE command ?
That's the default.  As the manual says, you can specify
UNSELECTED=DELETE if you want to omit them.
I understand now that the sub-command concerns the data output only. I feared it meant that it deleted the unselected cases in the file of origin.

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