If you look closely you will see that it is not quite identical.

The SIG  / NOSIG flag controls weather significant results should be emphasised.
In the default output mode, PSPP does this by rendering in an italic font.
Unfortunately, it's rather hard to see italics from upright fonts when looking
at numbers.  Perhaps this ought to be improved.

And like Alan says, to be bug-for-bug compatible with SPSS, the sense of the 
flag is opposite from what one would expect.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:16:13PM +0100, news wrote:
     An identical result !
     In both cases I get the significance levels.
     On 22/01/2015 21:51, Alan Mead wrote:
     >You're sure "nosig" means to suppress significance levels? Because I
     >think in SPSS it's the opposite. Try:
     >correlations var = v12 to v21/print sig.
     >This, BTW, makes no sense to me either.
     >On 1/22/2015 2:48 PM, F. Thomas wrote:
     >>I try to get a simple correlations matrix for some variables labelled
     >>v12 to v21, with no significance levels (if you have 25,000 cases sig
     >>levels become useless).
     >>My command is
     >>correlations var = v12 to v21/print nosig.
     >>And I get significance levels printed.
     >>I think this should be a (small) bug.
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