On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 05:52:25PM +0100, Günter Nimmerfall wrote:
     Hello, I'm really new in using PSPP and for that reason I want to excuse
     myself if some of my questions seem to be stupid.

The only stupid question is an unasked one.

     I want to show my students how they could collapse height-variables into
     groups. I know how to do this in SPSS by using "Visual Binning" in
     "Transformation" but I would like to show them to do most data analysis in
     PSPP. Is there a tool in PSPP too?

Most PSPP procedures are exactly the same, or very similar to SPSS ones.  That 
new versions of PSPP have a lot of visual obstruction which hides what it is 
If you look at the syntax it is actually producing, then PSPP will probably 
that too.

As to your specific question, if I understand it correctly, it could be done 
with the 
COMPUTE or RECODE command followed by the AGGREGATE command.I

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