On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 02:11:27PM +0200, Dr. Yaron Ghilay wrote:
> I have a problem trying to run the following syntax relating to the attached
> demo.sav file (64 bit - 5.11.2014):
>                /VARIABLES= address
>                /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLE
>                /HISTOGRAM=NORMAL
>                /PERCENTILES= 25 50 75.
> I get the following Runtime Assertion:

Thanks for the report.

I could not reproduce this problem under GNU/Linux with the latest
version of PSPP.  I don't know what version you are using, but it sounds
like it is from Nov. 5, which is quite recent.  If so, then I'll need
some more information, like a backtrace.  If Harry Thijssen is
listening--are you out there Harry?--then he might be able to reproduce
this and get a backtrace for us.

> Running the following similar syntax which was ok in 25.4.2014 version,
> gives an error message as well: 
>                /VARIABLES= address
>                /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLE
>                /HISTOGRAM=NORMAL
>                /PERCENTILES= 25,50,75.

I guess the only difference here is the commas.  I checked in a change
to allow commas in this syntax.

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