Unfortunately I am not an expert to explain the difference, but the
files in the"sys" file format that I have are some very old files in
MSDOS versions of SPSS.
 On the website of IBM's described as SPSS/PC+ format and is supported
by current versions.
My intention was to preserve those old data files.

On 11/21/14, Ben Pfaff <b...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 08:26:27PM -0300, Erich Hill wrote:
>> It works perfect in sav and zsav files. However, I could not convert
>> por or sys files.
>>  From the application I can open por files, but not sys files.
> It's true that it did not support .por files.  It was not difficult to
> add that feature, so now it supports them.
> Can you explain the difference between a "sav" and a "sys" file?  I
> think that they are the same format.

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