On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 08:21:37PM -0500, Robin Weber wrote:
      I am new to PSPP and open source OS,  but a long time SPSS user.
     I am using Trisquel 7 as the OS and the PSPP that was bundled with it
     (version 7.9 I think).

Hint: The 7.9 series is quite old, and was only intended as a test release 
anyway.  Use it at your own risk.  I recommend upgrading to 0.8.4
     I am having a hard time figuring out how to move variables from one
     location in the data set to another. Seems like a simple task, but somehow
     I can't figure out the magic combination of clicks and scrolls.   I want to
     eyeball the values in variable X next to the values in variable Y.
     Unfortunately, variable X is currently next to Variable C.
      In SPSS  I would highlight the variable and drag it to the new location.

Unfortunately it is not possible to do this in PSPP with a drag and drop action.

One way however you can work around this, is to write to a new file, specifying 
order of the variables, you want.

For example, you can use a command, like
SAVE OUTFILE='my-new-file.sav' /KEEP Var8 Var9 Var 4 Var 7 ....

This will create a new sav file with  the variables in the order you specify.


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