P.S. The "manual" approach with Vi would be a great deal of work because
     we have over 350 cases, which would mean doing this procedure over
     350 times, right?

Am So, 2. Nov 2014, um 19:50, schrieb Friedrich Beckmann:
> Hi Ben,
> thank you for the information. The commands I mention in the previous
> email are terminal commands. Your file is kind of difficult because it
> contains:
> a) two different character encodings (latin-1 and utf-8) for variable
>    description and the actual data
> b) <CR><LF> within the text elements inside the variable data section
> Let me know if the procedure with perl and grep works.
> Friedrich
> Am 02.11.2014 um 19:03 schrieb Benjamin Oppermann <ben....@eml.cc>:
>> If you complete a survey that I designed for my thesis on this site:
>> http://studentenforschung.de/ the results are gathered by the site in
>> the form of these csv files. There is an alternative file that seems
>> to be output to csv format in a different manner - the two are
>> labelled "abc" and "012", but I really don't see much of a
>> difference. I attached the alternative file with "012" I am horrified
>> at the programming of these guys and recommend everyone to do their
>> surveys somewhere else. From that discussion, this must be where the
>> problem is at: "At least one survey website generates text files,
>> intended for use with SPSS, whose lines end in only CRs (not LF or
>> CR+LF). PSPP does not understand this format. SPSS's behavior is not
>> well understood in this area. " I'll try to reproduce what you did in
>> Emacs, resp. the commands you kindly provided. Are they Emacs
>> commands or terminal commands? However I wonder why CR LF are not
>> visible in my text editor (Kate from KDE)... Thanks, Ben
>> Am So, 2. Nov 2014, um 18:34, schrieb Friedrich Beckmann:
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> can you tell me how you produced the original csv file? There is
>>> some discussion about the handling of CR and LF here:
>>> https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?40605
>>> Friedrich
>> <ver40-012.20.csv>

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