On Saturday, 1 November 2014 7:41 PM, news <news....@free.fr> wrote:

>I guess it is not possible,

nothing is "not possible"; "impossible" things just take a little bit more time!

>I ask as I want to output a single table into the LibreOffice

if i understand your question correctly, please do the following:- 

-finish your analysis

-go to the output viewer. there are two panes.

-the right pane contain your analysis, tables, histograms etc.

-the left pane starts with "Get" and contains a list of commands (eg, 
frequencies,crosstabs etc).

-click on the required table (just once) in the left pane.

-go to the edit-> copy.

-open Libreoffice Calc

- paste the table.

-you should have the table now in libreoffice calc. worked for me in xubuntu 
14.04, libreoffice, PSPP 0.8.4.




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