2014-10-24 10:26 UTC+02:00, Matej Kovacic <matej.kova...@owca.info>:
> Hi,
>> In my opinion, it is premature to abandon SPSS for PSPP if you use it
>> for research.
>> It's fine for teaching statistics or introduction to data analysis.
>> If SPSS is too expensive, I suggest you to use a combination of PSPP and
>> R (both free).
> I know. That is why PSPP is used for teaching basic statistics only.


It is exactly what I thought when I decided in 2005 to supervise
writing a PSPP tutorial in french. PSPP is really great for basic
statistics. To perform complex methods R is better.
GPArotation package can be used for oblimin rotation in R. But I think
PSPP is better than R to handle large data files.

Joseph Saint Pierre

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