On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 10:42:37PM +0400, Ksenia 123 wrote:
> Now I try ti use the programm psppire 0.7.9 version on the Ubuntu
> 14.04, Intel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8.
> My problem is that: the new output window for results of analyses
> don`t open. On the my left pannel I see that PSPP have 2 windows, the
> window with the data I see, the window 'output" i do not see. When I 
> choose the button "PSPP" on this left pannel, I see the main window
> and the small square. I have the screenshot   of this. When I try go
> to the outputwindow in the data window ("Windows" - - "Output")
> nothing is changing.
> I can not find answer to some problem in the internet and I can`t
> undersatand, what is it: the problem of my system or the programm bug.

You might want to try the latest version of PSPP from the master
branch.  It contains a number of fixes to bugs that have been observed
on the latest Ubuntu release.

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