SPSS keeps changing the layout of their menus, and each version adds new dialog 
boxes and removes others.

However the syntax is more stable, and works exactly the same way in PSPP:  If
you have a variable "age" then the command:

SELECT IF (age >= 13 AND age <=20).

will mean that all subsequent commands will include only those cases for 
which age falls in the range [13,20]


On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 08:45:31PM -0400, Larry Gray wrote:
     I am using PSPP version 08.3.  I have used SPSS at a university and on that
     program I can go to data/select cases/ and a drop down box allows me to
     pick a range of information from a particular column and select that....for
     example if I want to select only certain ages from a group (ages 13-20 from
     a column of ages 5-55) I can do that and it only selects those ages.  Is
     there a way to do that in PSPP?  I hope I am being clear.  I am just
     learning this program and am not all that familiar with the computer
     language.  I am not sure if this is a bug of some sort or the way the
     program is set up.
     Thank you

     Pspp-users mailing list

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