Attached larger files.

*.sav file   = 4.6 MB in disk
*.zsav file = 234.6 kb in disk

The compression ratio is not always proportional, but here a sample that can do
a lot (I'm very surprised).

I have not been able to make objective evidence, however, I have been
working with files up to 1 GB of disk size (zsav), and really not noticeable
performance down to use the same file (sav format almost 2 GB).

Thank you for your attention.

2013/10/3 Bastián Díaz <>

> Looks interesting if indeed the file format is more efficient with large data
> files.
> Surfing the net, I have also come to savReaderWriter, but unfortunately this
> program uses SPSS I/O module to function, it is not your own
> implementation or fully open source.
> Reviewing the websites of other statistical packages (SAS, Stata, etc.) do
> not support the *.Zsav file format currently, but will support in their next
> versions, especially Stata is working to extend the command -usespss- for
> version 14.
> --
> Bastián Díaz
> interestingly, there is a program already available which could read this
> format- savReaderWriter. i did not try it myself, but according to the main
> page (
> zsav was created using the ZLIB compression scheme.
> searching for more materials.
> regards,
> Dr Soumalya Ray <> <
> MBBS,MD(PGT-C.Medicine),Ex-HP(Medicine)
> skype:som3776|twitter:@docbkp
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