Thanks Alan! I can run a logistic regression but where can I find the
option to create a new variable and save the predicted probabilities in
PSPP (similar to the option in SPSS)?

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Alan Mead <> wrote:

>  Wikipedia describes these steps in propensity score matching:
> 1.Run logistic regression:
>     Dependent variable: Y = 1, if participate; Y = 0, otherwise.
>     Choose appropriate conditioning (instrumental) variables.
>     Obtain propensity score: predicted probability (p) or log[p/(1 - p)].
> 2.Match each participant to one or more nonparticipants on propensity
> score:
>     Nearest neighbor matching
>     Caliper matching
>     Mahalanobis metric matching in conjunction with PSM
>     Stratification matching
>     Difference-in-differences matching (kernel and local linear weights)
> 3.Multivariate analysis based on new sample
>     Use analyses appropriate for non-independent matched samples
> So, yes PSPP could potentially be used to implement these steps, but you
> would have to understand these steps and be able to complete each one.
> OTOH, no, PSPP doesn't have a routine that will automatically perform all
> these steps.
> -Alan
> On 10/1/2013 4:37 PM, Suniya Farooqui wrote:
>   Hi,
>  Can propensity score matching be done in PSPP? If so, can someone please
> share those instructions?
>  I using PSPP 8.0 on Windows 7.
>  Thank you,
>  suniya
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> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
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Suniya Farooqui | Research Associate

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