On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 08:04:58AM -0400, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
     Hey guys!
     For some time I use PSPP because its features are enough for what I need,
     so I sidelined SPSS, leaving your license expire.
     However, I made an inquiry to technical support regarding the use of SAV
     files in other software such as PSPP and have told me is technically
     illegal. That saved using SPSS SAV files or exported by another program, 
     for the use of SPSS.
     Is that really so?

When somebody makes an extraordinary statement like that, I think the onus is on
them to bring extraordinary evidence.  If they can say which section or which 
law in which juristiction would make it illegal, then I would be very interested
to know.

PSPP has been able to import/export SAV files for at least 15 years.  If it were
true that using it like this was illegal, then the Free Software Foundation, by
developing and distributing PSPP would also be acting illegally.   IBM (and 
predecessor SPSS Inc) are most certainly aware of PSPP but  to my knowledge the
FSF lawyers have never received a complaint.

For this reason, it is my opinion that whoever told you this was talking 

     Is it possible that in the future PSPP manages an own file type?
     It could be the style of the OpenDocument or OpenRaster projects. I do not
     think breaking the current compatibility with SPSS, but confidence could
     leave users like me, keeping your data in opensource software.
     It might even have its own features, such as save comments, graphics and
     results ;).
It is possible, but I don't think it is planned at the moment.

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