Got it worked out.  I made dumb syntax mistake!

-----Original Message-----
From: Crichton, Ronald
Sent: Thursday, 18 July 2013 12:16 PM
Subject: DATA LIST

Hi there

I have a text file containing 19,896 lines.  The data list returned a 
relatively small amount of data.  I wonder if anyone can indicate why I can't 
read the whole file consistently.  Depending upon the variables included in the 
data list the number of records read changes.  The PSPP output viewer generally 
shows no warnings or errors.  However, depending upon what variables I select 
on the data list statement the following message appears "sps.28: warning: 
Partial case of 2 or 7 records discarded."

The following code is the exact code relating to the example output shown in 
the attachment.  (The attachment shows the output of the first read of the 
data, the second attempt, and the actual data file (with personal information 

The command file reads the data twice.  The first example reads the first 
variable only, and then writes the same variable to an output file with the 
input and output files both having all the records (ie. 19,896).  However, when 
I attempt to read other variables from the data, as in the second example, the 
number records read is lower, reading only 9,949 records from a data file of 
19,896 lines.

This data can be imported into a database without trouble.  The data also reads 
into excel okay.

Any assistance would be appreciated,

DATA LIST FIXED FILE = '13nat080.txt'
        /ClientID 1-10 (A).

save translate
        /outfile = 'nat80_client_TAB.txt'
        /type = tab
        /keep = ClientID


DATA LIST FIXED FILE = '13nat080.txt'
        /ClientID 1-10 (A)
        /Sex 77-77 (A).

save translate
        /outfile = 'nat80_client_sex_TAB.txt'
        /type = tab
        /keep = ClientID

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