On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 12:04:40PM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
     Ivan de Paula <ivandepa...@gmail.com> writes:
     > My name is Ivan de Paula, I am from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
     > I am interested in using  PSPP for a database created in SPSS, I would 
     > to know
     > if this software including Windows networking features so this database
     > could be accessed for 
     > more than a user at the same time.
     PSPP doesn't have special features for that.

However, depending on exactly what you mean by "database", you may not need any
special fetaures.   

If you mean a system file PSPP can access network files just like any other 
files.  Of
course if two users try to write to the same file, you will need to take 
against data loss, but reading from the same file should work without problem.

If however by "database" you mean a relational database, then PSPP currently 
can access
only Postgres databases.  ODBC is not yet supported.


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