Glade is NOT required to run or install pspp (libglade is required, but that's
a different animal).  

What leads you to believe that glade is required?


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 03:19:23PM -0600, Paul Johnson wrote:
     I administer a computer lab of Linux systems and we sometimes need to
     access data distributed in SPSS format.  pspp has been a very valuable
     way to "get a look" at what is in there!
     On a Centos 5.4 system, I wanted to build an RPM for pspp 0.6.2. I
     eventually succeeded, but it required quite a bit of system
     Building that pspp requires glade3 of a relatively recent vintage. I
     found that in order to install glade3, I needed newer glib, gtk2,
     pango, gsl, and a few other things.  I couldn't use the newest glade3
     from fedora 11 because that would require a glibc update. But I was
     able to find a version from Fedora 8 that worked.  I was able to build
     all of those and install them without breaking anything (that I've
     found so far).  So that's a happy ending.
     I will rebuild the repository and upload the packages on my site, which is
     pspp will be under the "5/i386/kups" folder.
     Here's the thing that really surprised me.  In order to build pspp, I
     had to have the newer glade3 and that required all those foundational
     updates. To install pspp on another Centos system, however, I was
     surprised that the only required new package update for pspp was
     gsl-1.11.  I did not need to fiddle with glade3, gtk, or any of that
     other stuff. So glade3 is needed only to build, but not run pspp?
     What is glade3, anyway?
     I'm wondering if you have the same experience. On Centos 5.4 or RedHat
     5.4, would you try to install:
     As far as I can tell, psppire  "seems to work" after installing just
     those 2 elements.
     In case you want to try,  my security key is here:
     Paul E. Johnson
     Professor, Political Science
     1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
     University of Kansas
     Pspp-users mailing list

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