Bill Sommerfeld via Postfix-users:
> About three years ago there was a thread on postfix-users ("Comcast 421 
> throttling multiple recipients") discussing a low-traffic site having 
> difficulties sending to multiple recipients at comcast in a single smtp 
> session.  The thread starts here:
> and it appears to have died out without consensus on what was going on.
> I believe I understand what the original poster was seeing because it 
> just happened to me.  Having a way to disable the special per-recipient 
> behavior when ${transport}_destination_recipient_limit=1 would be very 
> useful in working around quirky receiver like this.

Would it be sufficient to never send more than 1 recipient per
mesage, thus never trigger their temporary "block all mail" strategy,
and avoid the need for the kludges described here?

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