Dnia 23.08.2023 o godz. 03:22:21 IUL Support via Postfix-users pisze:
> The email will be from
> some_spammy_text-myuser=mydomain....@notmydomain.com   and addressed to
> myu...@mydomain.com.
> The LHS always seems to have the same basic format ie. the underscores and
> the equal sign so it seems obvious that they're trying to accomplish
> something specific.   Is it supposed to help them get past spam filtering,
> or get around some sort of bug?    

I think they do it for bounce handling. If the recipient
some_spammy_text-myuser=mydomain....@notmydomain.com gets a bounce, they
know myu...@mydomain.com does not accept their mail. I guess they can use
this knowledge to remove the address from their mailing list, but who knows
what they are doing with it actually...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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