Hi Viktor,

thank you. So, it's not possible to route email different when sent
from an authenticated user through port 587, than imcoming email sent
through port 25? This would avoid a loop, as far as I understand

I think I'll set up a separate instance for the external accounts in
the long run.



Am Montag, dem 24.07.2023 um 10:00 -0400 schrieb Viktor Dukhovni via
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 03:53:17PM +0200, Robert Senger via Postfix-
> users wrote:
> > I have a few freemail accounts that I use mainly for testing and
> > special purposes. All those accounts are forwaring incoming mail to
> > a
> > corresponding account at my ow server, like
> > "r.senger_<espname>@example.com". For sending, I've defined
> > sender_dependent_relayhost_maps that relay all mail sent by any of
> > these accounts to the ESP's smpt server (credentials stored in
> > sasl_passwd).
> > 
> > That works fine as long as mail ist sent to foreign domains. But if
> > I
> > send mail from one of these local accounts to any recipient at the
> > local domain, e.g. robert.sen...@example.com, it gets delivered
> > locally
> > rather that though the ISP's server, since
> > sender_dependend_relay_host_maps has low priority. This can for
> > example
> > cause issues if the mail goes to a locally hosted mailinglist,
> > since it
> > misses the ESP's dkim signature when sent out to the subscibers.
> > 
> > Is there a possibility to get all mail sent from a certain local
> > authenticated user through an external relay, even if the recipient
> > is
> > a local virtual user?
> > 
> > I know I could configure the MUA to use the ESP's smpt server, but
> > that's not desired. I think a multi instance setup could do that
> > job,
> > but that requires a lot reconfiguration of the system.
> What you propose would loop, when the mail returns to your system for
> delivery.  The simplest approach is a separate Postfix instance that
> for outbound mail that does not have any "local" domains, all mail
> is relayed somewhere else, possibly to the inbound instance for local
> delivery.
>     https://www.postfix.org/MULTI_INSTANCE_README.html

Robert Senger

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