> On Jul 6, 2023, at 6:40 AM, Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users 
> <postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:
> Dnia  6.07.2023 o godz. 05:43:22 Dan Mahoney via Postfix-users pisze:
>> In /etc/aliases:
>> noc:                            "|/usr/local/sbin/rtmailgate ops noc cor",
>>                                "/root/ops/Maildir/"
>> noc-comment:                    "|/usr/local/sbin/rtmailgate ops noc com",
>>                                "/root/ops/Maildir/"
>> On a recent upgrade, we started getting permission denied for the Maildir.
> If you really want to deliver mail to root (apart from the discussion if it
> should be done or not, as in Viktor's reply), why do you want to put directly
> the path to Maildir in the alias, instead of just the username "root"? As
> far as I understand how aliases work, if you use just "root" (without
> quotes) instead of "/root/ops/Maildir/", the mail should be delivered to
> root's mailbox (unless you also aliased root to something else - but it is
> strongly discouraged to do that and in many systems such a coment is even
> included in the default /etc/aliases file).

I don’t really want to.  It’s inherited config that I’ve already changed.

It could be a maildir anywhere on the filesystem, and my question was if there 
was a way to make the files owned by a particular user (say, the RT user).  The 
local manpage says:

Deliveries to external files and external commands are made with the
rights of the receiving user on whose behalf the delivery is made.  In
the absence of a user context, the local(8) daemon uses the owner
rights of the :include: file or alias database.  When those files are
owned by the superuser, delivery is made with the rights specified with
the default_privs configuration parameter.

I have to assume that pointing it at some archive dir is “in the absence of a 
user context"

It’s never going to be accessed with a normal mail client, this is mainly for 
forensics in the case where we want to see the raw headers or report the raw 
body as spam evidence or something (which is not possible from within RT once 
RT has digested it).

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