Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:
> Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users:
> > 
> > The most misleading place for me was the ADDRESS_CLASS_README
> > 
> > For "The virtual alias domain class" it says:
> > "Valid recipient addresses are listed with the virtual_alias_maps 
> > parameter"
> > which is of course true, but there is nothing special about the virtual 
> > alias domain class in that respect. After reading that readme, one could 
> > be forgiven for thinking that the virtual_alias_maps would not be 
> > applied to the other domain classes.
> > 
> > The virtual_alias_maps parameter should at least be mentioned in the 
> > recipient address text of the other domain class explanations.
> > 
> > Perhaps another less confusing way to document it would be to describe a 
> > "class-less" mode of operation that uses just the virtual_alias_maps and 
> > transport_maps, and go on to say that class-full and class-less routing 
> > can co-exist.

Sorry, I did not read that as empty mydestination, {virtual_alias,
virtual_mailbox, relay}_domains tables.

Such a class-less model would have a 'relay permission' problem,
unless arrangements are made to prevent that (in terms of current
Postfix features, with an access(5) table or with a list of certain
domains in relay_domains).

But then we no longer have a class-less system. Instead we have:

Class 1: Domains that any client can send to, and that have
         recipient validation (to prevent backscatter).

Class 2: Domains that only authorized clients can send to, and that
         don't have recipient valdation (no table exists for all
         Internet users).

The above describes Postfix < 2.0 and qmail variants.

If someone thinks that the two-class model can be turned into a
maintainable configuration for general use, then they should do the
research and analysis. I should not do that, because I don't use
such a configureation.

Twenty years ago this two-class model was not a direction that I
chose to continue. Primary motivations were isolation: to isolate
the configuration of inbound relay deliveries from outbound smtp
deliveries, and to isolate the configuration of deliveries to local
and virtual_mailbox domains. This made Postfix configurations easier
to reason about than would have been possible with less isolation.

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