Sean Gallagher via Postfix-users:
> It was more a rhetorical question in the context of documentation 
> improvement. Specifically, the documentation doesn't actually say what 
> [blank] means. I think something like the following would be an 
> improvement..
> Specify "all" to receive mail on all network interfaces (default), 
> "loopback-only" to receive mail on loopback network interfaces only 
> (Postfix version 2.2 and later) or leave blank to disable the reception 
> of email (i.e. outgoing service only).
> By contrast, leaving smtp_bind_address blank does NOT disable outgoing 
> emails. The meaning of blank is NOT obvious to the uninitiated.

An empty inet_interfaces means that there is no constraint for the
SMTP client source IP address. I am adding some text for that.

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