On Wed, May 03, 2023 at 02:53:06PM +0200, Paul Menzel via Postfix-users wrote:

> Some of our users, that relocate, ask for a custom message over the 
> current one:
>      user has moved to new_location
> For example:
>      This address is out of service. For business please contact 
>      funct...@company.example.net, or n...@private.example.net for private 
>      contact.
> I guess, it could be reworded to
>      user has moved to n...@private.example.net, please contact
>      funct...@company.example.net for business
> and use the current mechanism.
> Could a third column for a custom message be added to satisfy everybody?

There's no need, a "relocated" entry is just a shorthand for a
user-specific transport table entry.  In the full transport table you
can add whatever string you want.

    user@acme.example   error:5.1.6 This address is out of service. For business
                                    please contact 
funct...@company.example.net, or
                                    n...@private.example.net for private 

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