On 5/1/2023 2:41 PM, Jon LaBadie via Postfix-users wrote:

I've been getting a lot of spam with Date: headers
containing future dates, typically 1 year.

I don't find any header checks that would look for
this type of message.  Have I over looked it?

In the meantime I've implemented a script and procmail
rule to examine my messages.  But that is post-delivery
and per-user.


While header_checks are perfectly capable of matching a fixed date string, there is no built-in logic for "today + X days".

Setting a fixed date-based header check, for example a rule rejecting all mail containing "2024", is just a land mine waiting to disrupt mail in the future.

Leave date checking to mail parsers that are made for that job, or find some other feature of the message to block on.

  -- Noel Jones
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