On Mon, May 01, 2023 at 11:01:56AM +0200, Bernardo Reino via Postfix-users wrote:
> > Sadly, the documentation lacks specificness, and the output spit out about > > 500 lines, so I am not sure what I am suppose to be looking at. > > postconf -d will print all the (default) settings, you can use grep to filter > the specific line you're looking for. No need for grep (output for Postfix 3.8): $ postconf -d tls_high_cipherlist tls_high_cipherlist = aNULL:-aNULL:HIGH:!SEED:!IDEA:!3DES:!RC2:!RC4:!RC5:!kDH:!kECDH:!aDSS:!MD5:@STRENGTH or, $ postconf -dhx tls_high_cipherlist aNULL:-aNULL:HIGH:!SEED:!IDEA:!3DES:!RC2:!RC4:!RC5:!kDH:!kECDH:!aDSS:!MD5:@STRENGTH which then makes it possible to, for example, list the ciphers that could be used when TLS 1.2 is negotiated): $ openssl ciphers -v -tls1_2 -s "$(postconf -dhx tls_high_cipherlist)" ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=ECDSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=DH Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=ECDSA Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH Au=RSA Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD ... However, the advice in the documentation to NOT tinker with the "tls_*_cipherlist" settings should not be taken lightly. A common rookie mistake is to cut/paste a cipherlist recommended in some random HOWTO, and assume that using that particular cipherlist will improve "security". The various HOWTO's that recommend an explicit list of concrete ciphers are all wrong, and their notion of "security" maps poorly onto opportunistic TLS. I repeat: DO NOT tinker with the "tls_*_cipherlist" parameters, they're for emergency use only, in case many years after initial release some new surprise vulnerability makes it necessary to fine-tune the list. If that should some day happen, we'll update the documentation and post a message to the list. For now, let the defaults stand. If some test you run against your server tells you that your server uses insecure cipher settings, and you haven't changed the Postfix defaults, the problem is a misguided test, not incorrect settings. -- Viktor. _______________________________________________ Postfix-users mailing list -- postfix-users@postfix.org To unsubscribe send an email to postfix-users-le...@postfix.org