Kolusion K via Postfix-users:
> Hello
> So I have a problem sending and receiving e-mail from some people.
> The problem I have sending e-mail to some people is that Postfix
> says the connection times out when attempting to connect to the
> server.
> This is my setup:
[amazing complexity]
> The strange thing is, when I Telnet on port 25 on the VPS to the
> e-mail servers Postfix can't connect to from my e-mail server, I
> can connect to them.
> What could be causing Postfix being able to send e-mail to some
> servers but not others, and some people being able to e-mail me
> but not others?

Assuming that you did the telnet tests from the *same host or
container or VM* that also runs Postfix:


- The telnet command uses a different source IP address than Postfix.
A tcpdump recording would reveal that.

- The telnet command ran as root, whereas the Postfix SMTP client
runs as non-root, resulting in different behavior in your netwotrk
stack. A tcpdump recording would reveal that.

Hint: make a tcpdump recording.

As root:
    tcpdump -s 0 -w /file/name -i interface-name dst port 25

You'll have to experiment a bit to figure out which interface to
look at; it may be differfent for the telnet and Postfix cases.

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