April 29, 2023 at 6:40 PM, "Kolusion K via Postfix-users" 
<postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> Hello
> I am having a painful experience with Postfix and I hope that someone can 
> help me.
> I am trying to send an e-mail, but the receving e-mail server is timing out, 
> as per Postfix's mail log file.
> When I create a raw socket to the receiving e-mail server, I can send and 
> receive commands to it just fine.
> I would like to see the SMTP session Postfix has with the receiving e-mail 
> server to see what is going wrong.
> I have tried to use the 'debug_peer_list' parametre with the domain of the 
> e-mail address I am trying to send e-mail to, but nothing more shows in the 
> mail log.

This is quite normal in real life just b/c your provider (ISP, IDC) would like 
to block SMTP connections made from your host.

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