On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 02:15:38PM -0300, Rejaine Monteiro wrote:

> I know that bounces are necessary..
> but addresses like "noreply" are usually automation robots and do not
> receive responses and can generate double bounces..

Responses may not be read (or, in particular, *replied-to*), but bounces
are still expected to be processed, even with "noreply" addresses.

> Not be fixed (not an error), I just want to know if there is a way to avoid
> bounces to specific addresses (like nore...@somedomain.com)
> .. sorry if I wasn't clear (bad english)

The best solution is to not accept undeliverable messages.  Then you'll
rarely if ever send bounces.  When you do, the envelope sender will
be empty as required.

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