Gino Ferguson via Postfix-users:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering why is the qmgr process count set to 1 by default in

Because there MUST be only one scheduler.

> Does it make any sense to increase this number to 2 or 5 or 10?
> There are a couple of million emails are going through our servers
> per day and there is a plenty of free CPU and RAM which could be
> used.

If you want to use more resourcs for email delivery, use more
*delivery agent* proesses. Howevever, millions/day is nothing
to worry about, even a Raspberri Pi could do that.

> Also I'm wondering if it would help to speed up the delivery of
> the new emails if there are higher number of delayed, older mails
> in the queue.

That's how it already works. See maximal_backoff_time
and minimal_backoff_time.

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