On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 11:25:14AM -0400, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users 
<postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 01:08:06PM +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via 
> Postfix-users wrote:
> > >You should set a POST_HOOK in certbot renew (assuming you're using 
> > >certbot, that is) that restarts or reloads the web server.
> > 
> > I guess this exactly what failed.
> The "post hooks" in certbot are not *reliable*.  If for some reason they
> don't succeed, they're not retried on the next scheduled certbot run.  This
> is a design flaw.
> -- 
>     Viktor.

The same is true of cronjobs. I once wrote a program
called "noexcuses" to solve this problem
(https://raf.org/noexcuses) for cronjobs whose success
depended on remote servers being up and working. It
runs the command given on its command line repeatedly
until it succeeds. It was very helpful for important
jobs that had to run successfully when faced with
sysadmins who had a tendency to overload a UPS in the
machine room and accidentally shutdown lots of servers
at the same time. But it's very cron-specific, even
handling the case where the cron server itself was down
when jobs needed to run. But it (or a similar approach)
might be helpful for (non-cron) certbook hooks.


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