Postfix stable release 3.8.0 is available. Postfix 3.4..3.7 will
be updated soon; after that, Postfix 3.4 will no longer be updated.

The main changes are below. See the RELEASE_NOTES file for further

  * Support to look up DNS SRV records in the Postfix SMTP/LMTP
    client, Based on code by Tomas Korbar (Red Hat). For example,
    with "use_srv_lookup = submission" and "relayhost =", the Postfix SMTP client will look up
    DNS SRV records for, and will relay
    email through the hosts and ports that are specified with those

  * TLS obsolescence: Postfix now treats the "export" and "low"
    cipher grade settings as "medium". The "export" and "low" grades
    are no longer supported in OpenSSL 1.1.1, the minimum version
    required in Postfix 3.6.0 and later. Also, Postfix default
    settings now exclude deprecated or unused ciphers (SEED, IDEA,
    3DES, RC2, RC4, RC5), digest (MD5), key exchange algorithms
    (DH, ECDH), and public key algorithm (DSS).

  * Attack resistance: the Postfix SMTP server can now aggregate
    smtpd_client_*_rate and smtpd_client_*_count statistics by
    network block instead of by IP address, to raise the bar against
    a memory exhaustion attack in the anvil(8) server; Postfix TLS
    support unconditionally disables TLS renegotiation in the middle
    of an SMTP connection, to avoid a CPU exhaustion attack.

  * The PostgreSQL client encoding is now configurable with the
    "encoding" Postfix configuration file attribute. The default
    is "UTF8". Previously the encoding was hard-coded as "LATIN1",
    which is not useful in the context of SMTP.

  * The postconf command now warns for #comment in or after a Postfix
    parameter value. Postfix programs do not support #comment after
    other text, and treat that as input.

You can find the Postfix source code at the mirrors listed at

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