Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users:
> Dnia 16.04.2023 o godz. 16:32:41 Gerald Galster via Postfix-users pisze:
> > 
> > Mails classified as spam or external forwards seemingly take another route
> > via mout-xforward.web.de. These servers are SBL-listed by intention, most
> > likely because the spam probability is higher in this context. This 
> > separation
> > helps mout.web.de to maintain a better reputation.
> While I can fully understand separation of outgoing servers for different
> classes of emails, who the hell intentionally puts their own outgoing
> servers on a blacklist???

If I recall correctly, it has nothing to do with logic, and everything
with (German) law.

Once a provider's server accepts an email message, it is illegal
for the provider to delete that message. By forwarding SPAM they
would risk messing up their non-spam repoutation. So they forward
it only from a sacrificial server that has a bad reputation.

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