On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 01:06:16PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:
> > As for the temp error becoming persistent, the Postfix pgsql: client
> > code returns an error when it gets an error from all of the hosts
> > configured in the Postfix pgsql: client configuration file, or when
> > all hosts have been flagged as 'down'. If a host returns an error
> > then the Postfix pgsql: client code flags that host as 'down', and
> > resets that 'down' state after about 60 seconds.
> As implemented, the Postfix pgsql: clien code treats all errors as
> a connection failure, and skips the connection for 60 seconds. That
> may not be optimal when an error is data dependent.

FWIW, the OP's issue was with MySQL, not Postgres...  The database
should be configured for client and server encoding of UTF8.

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