On Sat, Apr 08, 2023 at 02:59:49PM +0800, tom--- via Postfix-users wrote:

> 1. use MIME encoding for 8bit chars

That would be either quoted-printable or base64:


applicable to "leaf" MIME entities, but not multiparts.

> 2. Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The 2nd is more of a property assertion, than an encoding.  The
MIME-part content is transmitted as-is, but is asserted to consist
entirely of 7-bit octets (i.e. still 8-bit octets, but in the range
0–127). Similarly, the "8bit" transfer encoding is also an "identity"
encoding, which makes no promise about the high bit of the content.


P.S. I used in a "ndash" in the above, so the content is not all ASCII.
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