On 27.03.23 18:08, fh--- via Postfix-users wrote:
I plan to add a backup mx for the domain.
When I checked the doc for "relay_domains" which says,

Note: Postfix will not automatically forward mail for domains that list this system as their primary or backup MX host. See the permit_mx_backup restriction in the postconf(5) manual page.

This is for domains that are NOT in your relay_domains list.

I can't understand for this point. can you help?

If you put "permit_mx_backup" into smtpd_recipient_restrictions or smtpd_relay_restrictions, your server will behave as MX backup for any domain.

you can restrict this to configure permit_mx_backup_networks in which case your server will behave as backup MX only for domains that point into IP addresses listed there.

so, if you have two servers with multiple domains, you can put the primary IP Address into permit_mx_backup_networks and configure permit_mx_backup restriction on the backup server. all domains pointing to your primary will be accept by your secondary.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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2B|!2B, that's a question!
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