Dnia 23.03.2023 o godz. 19:08:53 Steffen Nurpmeso pisze:
> You are unlocked again.  (But as it periodically came back
> every few minutes yesterday evening, it likely will now, too.)
> This cannot be if you do normal SMTP or HTTP, not from the
> firewall side.  These rules only lowers bandwidth, but it is not
> that slow for normal SMTP traffic in the end overall.  No way via
> SMTP or HTTP into alien or even alien_super.

I have today morning set up an outgoing firewall on my server that doesn't
pass any other packets towards your server than to port 25, or being part of
an ESTABLISHED TCP connection (for example reply packets when you send me
mail). I am watching the counter on the DROP rule that drops all other
packets. It is zero.

I also spin up a server at AWS that I sometimes use for testing (normally it
is down), sent a few e-mails between my server and the server at AWS, and
then ran tcpdump the whole day on the AWS server watching for any packets
that are coming from my server. Nothing came.

So I find it highly improbable that any strange packets can be coming from
my server to yours. I don't know the source of these packets.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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