Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
 |I see a thread for "double-bounce check applied to itself" from
 |February 2021,[.]
 |Is there an easy (non-DNS etc) way to say that (or
 |even @(.+\.)?sdaoden\.eu MUST NOT come from the outside, so

Forget about this, i am just too stupid.
Having said that, my postgray 0.8.0 has a single missing line
(su_log_set_level((i & a_PG_F_VV) ? su_LOG_DEBUG : su_LOG_INFO);)
so that in non-development mode --verbose does not work.  HAHA!
Thank you Jens Schleusener!!  (I will write to you privately on
Monday so you can stop your cron job, shall you not be here!
Thank you again, very much.)
(Solution is postgray's "block" which works here.)

A nice Sunday i wish everyone, if you can (what i hope).
Hasta la victoria siempre!  (Ah wait.  Wrong century!)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
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