Some of us don't have a choice and are stuck with MS mail products due to work 
policies. while OWA does now support header filtering, that has not always been 
the case.  Other may be in similar situations with required clients that don't 
have all the features you want for a power user.  I would say that 98% of 
listservs I have been on for years all use subject tags, and it's never been a 
problem for me or anyone else on those lists that I've ever heard complain. I 
frankly didn't know this was even an issue for anyone until now.


From: Markus Reichelt via Postfix-users <>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 13:21
To: <>
Subject: [pfx] Re: The joke writes itself.

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* Ralph Seichter via Postfix-users <> wrote:

> * Patrick Ben Koetter via Postfix-users:
> > I don't need tags.
> Seconded. Do we really need to cater for software that's unable to use
> the "List-Id" headers? These are mailing lists for Postfix users and
> devs, not for a knitting circle, so I think it is fair to assume we
> subscribers all use decent software.


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