Aleksandr Stankevic via Postfix-users:
> Hi,
> I've got a milter that, as part of the job, adds an X-Test-Tracking header
> with a 76 char length string.
> Then, in postfix, i've got a milter_header_checks which uses WARN to log
> this to logs, like:
> /^X-Test-Tracking/ WARN
> I've noticed that it only logs the first 43 chars.
> In example the header added is:
> X-Test-Tracking:
> And the logs shows it as:
> Mar  9 19:21:59 smtp1 postfix/cleanup[3497349]: 4PXfFM2XQYz45TTK:
> milter-header-warning: header X-Test-Tracking:
> MTY3ODM4OTcxOS40MDMyMTIzLTAxNWIzMjRlLTdlNWE from unknown[];
> from=<redacted> to=<redacted> proto=ESMTP helo=<redacted>:
> Whereas when i use the WARN method in header_checks it logs the full
> header. As this header is added in milter I can't use header_checks.
> I couldn't find any information about differences of WARN / header length
> logged in milter_header_checks vs header_checks.
> Is there a way to actually log the full header in this case through postfix?

As a matter of principle, Postfix limits the amount of text that
it logs, to to prevent trivial resource exhaustion attacks, or
attempts to prevent Postfix from logging from= and to= information
after a long string.

It just so happens that the limit for milter_header_checks content
(60) is different from the limit for other header_checks (200).
milter_header_checks was implemented in 2006, the other in 1999. 
Most other logging limits are around 100 bytes or so.

I could make both the same 200, but there will always be a limit.

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