On 1/13/2023 12:02 AM, Benny Pedersen wrote:
Jaroslaw Rafa skrev den 2023-01-12 21:52:
Dnia 12.01.2023 o godz. 13:49:33 post...@ptld.com pisze:
My solution...

    smtp_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks_smtp

    /^Received:/           IGNORE
    /^X-Originating-Ip:/   IGNORE

If you do it in master.cf for submission services only, it my be OK.

No, you can't set smtp_* options for smtpd(8) instances. You need another cleanup(8) instance and point to the cleanup_service_name in your options for submission.


smtp_header_checks < is outbound
header_checks < is inbound

Yes, smtp_header_checks is for outbound only (controlling the behavior of the smtp(8) service.)

No, header_checks controls the cleanup service, and thus is applied globally, except where cleanup_service_name is pointing to a different cleanup instance.

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