Hey all, We have a mailing list (of like ten, not-often-changing people) that we’d like to not have to spin up a full mailing list program like mailman or whatnot.
We don’t need subsciption management or archiving, but we could really use the user rewriting akin to mailman’s from_is_list function, so that: a message FROM: “Joe” j...@google.com <mailto:j...@google.com> TO: l...@domain.org <mailto:l...@domain.org> is rewritten to: FROM: Joe via domain list l...@domain.org <mailto:l...@domain.org> TO: l...@domain.org <mailto:l...@domain.org> REPLY-TO j...@google.com <mailto:j...@google.com> I feel like the right answer here is something like “procmail” — is there some kind of alias map that can be used to handle this? Is there a standard postfix way to rewrite headers like this? -Dan