Dnia 30.11.2022 o godz. 02:08:57 Henry R pisze:
> That's so strange policy to permit only commercial company to send messages 
> to them.
> But there are many small companies/org who have their own mailservers, which 
> can't send messages to t-online directly.
> How do you think of this behavior?

This has been discussed a lot on "mailop" list recently.
Yes, they do have a strange policy indeed. Probably no other large email
provider behaves like this.
>From the discussion on that list it turns out, that the condition under
which they consider a server to be "commercial" is to provide so called
"imprint" on the website associated with the domain, with full contact
details (your name, street address and telephone number!). After you request
that they unblock your IP, they check manually for existence of that
"imprint", and if it satisfies their requirements, they'll unblock you.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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