On 10/17/22 16:08, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
Dnia 17.10.2022 o godz. 20:35:11 Gerald Galster pisze:
Certificates starting with "04" occur since autumn 2019.
After that date it's sometimes "03" and sometimes "04".
This looks exceedingly unlikely to be relevant.
Very far-fetched, I thought something might be cached or pinned.
And as supposed this is not relevant, I tested it and a "04"
certificate worked well.
There can always be some completely unexpected factor. We should remember
the famous story of "500 miles email"...
Well I would send five hundred mails,
And I would send five hundred more
Just to be the man who'd send a thousand mails
To flood your mailbox more...
Phil Stracchino
Babylon Communications
Landline: +1.603.293.8485
Mobile: +1.603.998.6958