I am working on setting up PostFix to banish another MTA so I have setup two 
virtual machines with one being a mail gateway and the other a null client 
using internal IPs for initial testing.  I have an RSA wildcard certificate 
from GoDaddy that I am struggling to get PostFix to use.  I can point the null 
client at a non-PostFix system with the same certificate and the logs shows 
that all is well with the certificate on that server so I think the null client 
setup is correct.  But when I point the Postfix null client at my test PostFix 
mail gateway I see "Untrusted TLS connection established to..." on the null 
client and "Anonymous TLS connection established from..." on the gateway.  The 
documentation it recommends an OpenSSL test, but I am not sure if I have the 
syntax 100% correct since there was no example in the documentation.  I have 
searched the list trying to see if there was a known issue with GoDaddy without 
finding anything specific to PostFix or wildcard certificates (GoDaddy would 
not be my choice in a registrar).

Any suggestions on next steps to sort this out?

OpenSSL Test Mentioned in Documentation
openssl verify -CAfile gd_bundle-g2-g1.pem -purpose sslserver wild.pem
wild.pem: OK


1.     I started with setting the typical settings after I ran an OpenSSL 
command to remove the password from the private key.

smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/pki/tls/private/wild.key

smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/pki/tls/certs/wild.pem

2.     I tried concatenating the wildcard certificate followed by the GoDaddy 

3.     I noticed there were "Bag Attributes" at the top of my wildcard 
certificate.  I removed these without any change.

4.     I removed the "Bag Attributes" at the top of my wildcard cert that was 
merged with the GoDaddy bundle.

5.     While I did not want to do it, I tried putting the key at the top of the 
certificate, followed by the wildcard certificate.  (.key screams be 
careful.....pem not so much)

6.     I tried the key, wildcard cert and GoDaddy bundle concatenated into a 

7.     I imported the certificate on a Windows PC to verify the certificate was 
seen as a valid by Windows just in case something might have happened to it.  I 
exported the .PFX version with OpenSSL into new certificate/key files and 
repeated the above tests.

8.     I also tried setting smtpd_tls_CApath = /etc/pki/tls/certs, which is 
where the GoDaddy bundle is located along with the various wildcard certs I 
have created.

9.     Initially using PostFix 2.10.1 since that is the version with the 
current distribution we use.  I setup a third virtual machine with the next 
Linux release which gave me PostFix 3.5.8 with the same issue.  One nice thing 
about the newer 3.5.8 version is the Linux distribution provided a self-signed 
keypair for testing.

OpenSSL Test to verify key
[root@earth private]# openssl rsa -check -noout -in wild.key
RSA key ok

OpenSSL Test to verify certificate
[root@earth certs]# openssl verify -CAfile gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt wild.pem
wild.pem: OK

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