On 2022-07-28 13:17, Ivars Strazdiņš wrote:
The example for smtpd_milter_maps setting seems to be all or none approach - it seems not possible to configure postfix to apply only some milters based on client’s IP address.

hmmm you have misunderstood it? for every host/IP/eange (depending on map type) you list all milters to use.

for non-matching IPs, the list in smtpd_milters is used.

On 28.07.22 17:04, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
If I've understood what you want, then smtpd_milter_maps can do just that.  Here is my smtpd_milter_map file:

# The Postfix mailing list seems to send from some
# of these addresses:    inet:

# bendel.debian.org: Debian mailing lists:    inet:

# vger.kernel.org: Netfilter mailing list:    inet:

# postfix.charite.de: Amavis mailing list:    inet:

# lists.clamav.net: ClamAv mailing list:    inet:

# Catchall: use both milters for all other client addresses
# (IPv6 included just in case it becomes relevant some day):    inet:,inet:
::/0        inet:,inet:

note that the catchall is not needed - simply use smtpd_milters

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