
I need to block emails with fake FROM like :

From: "Nick Blue <n...@domain.pt>" <yk...@omega-eng.co.jp>

The postfix has the feature header_checks and mime_header_checks. When the FROM is with plain text, it works fine, but when the FROM is mime encoded like this:

From: =?UTF-8?B?PElQQlJJQ0sgbsK6IDMyNTc0PiBhc2FudG9zQGlwYnJpY2suY29t?=

the email is not blocked, even with mime_header_checks.

Configuration for header_checks and mime_header_checks:

root@porto:/etc/postfix# cat mime_header_checks
if /From:/
/From:[[:space:]]+"(.*)[@](.*)"+(.*)/ REJECT NO MORE FAKES!

Where can i find more information about mime_header_checks? or other solution?


E. Maia



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